With the economy recovering in spite of all their efforts to mess up President Obama's leadership, they can't talk about that anymore. With the Iraq war coming to an end, a drawdown beginning in Afghanistan, Bin Laden dead, along with most of the Al Qaeda leaders, Gadaffi gone, and respect for America growing world wide under this President, their mantra of " a President engaging in appeasement" seems to ring pretty hollow.
Meanwhile down in the states, the overreach seems to be biting them in the hiney. Ohio voters soundly rejected the GOP legislature's anti collective bargaining bill, forcing its repeal, and forcing Governor Kasich to put his tail between his legs. Wisconsin voters erupted over the same issue, and are on the verge of recalling the Governor and several (more) GOP legislators.
At the same time, Republican controlled states have begun to attack voter rights by enacting so called "voter fraud" legislation - which is in reality voter suppression, and flagrantly violates both the '64 Voting Rights act as well as the Constitution itself, and very likely to fail in the end.
So, what to do? Well, here is where I think they've made their biggest mistake. They're back to the old "God, guns and gays" rhetoric and the old worn out "family values" mantra. But in their zeal to pander to the Tea Party crazies, they've chosen the wrong target; they've decided to declare war on womens' health. That's what all this self righteous outrage we're hearing about contraceptive coverage is about. Yesterday, Congressman Darrel Issa's "Committee to attack the President" tried to make it seem like a religious rights issue by having five old male clerics testify while completely excluding any women from the witness list, and that's backfiring big time. Let's make no mistake here; this is not about religion no matter how loudly they shout it. And the women of this country will not stand for it. I can say that, because I've been listening to my wife, and I've seldom seen her this worked up about anything.
Republicans, you mess around with the rights of women at your peril. After a long talk last night, I suggested to my wife that she set up a Facebook page for women and supportive men to vent, share information and mobilize to send these old white guys who think that subjugating females is appropriate either politically or socially, packing. The Facebook page is up and running: She gave it a great title - Ovarian-Americans United - check it out and join the movement.